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  • Getting Unstuck with Meredith Leigh Moore

How to Expect More From Your Life

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? As we grow older, many of us let limiting beliefs take root, and we learn to repress our dreams for our lives and instead start expecting less from ourselves. We can feel like it's not worth it to imagine our futures as anything better or different than how we feel today. The good news is, that it's never too late to get unstuck. The best part of getting unstuck is the incredible feeling of being prepared for whatever comes next in your life.

I hope you take advantage of every opportunity, including reading this article and taking action because the real key to getting unstuck is high expectations for yourself. You read that right; the more you expect of yourself, the more you will accomplish.

Raising your expectations will push you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

The first step is reconnecting with the child inside who still has big dreams for your life. Getting Unstuck means learning how to drive yourself higher without pushing yourself too far to achieve your ambitious goals.

Why do I have to raise my expectations for myself?

Raising your expectations does not mean that you are unsatisfied with the current version of your life. Perhaps right now you are overjoyed; everything is good in your life. You've got a job you like, a family you love, and you are focused on your physical and mental health. That's great. Congratulations. Can I ask you a question?

Do you believe your life could be better?

The truth is when you expect more, you'll be motivated to achieve that much more. Take a minute and think about a time when you lowered your expectations for what's possible. Maybe you gave up on your first choice for your major area of study or where you most wanted to live, were you unhappy with the impact of your decision, or did you not care? Whatever your reaction, ask yourself how driven and fulfilled you felt at the time.

It's true; raising your expectations opens you up and makes you more vulnerable to failure. But setting high expectations has big rewards too. From wanting to be President of the United States to seeking fame, it all starts with a dream and a belief that you deserve more from your life. Think about it, by reaching for more exceptional achievements in your life, you are opening yourself up to learn from new experiences. Even if you fail, you can still learn. Now let your mind imagine how your life could change if you allowed yourself to believe that one life-defining moment can change your life.

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