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  • Getting Unstuck with Meredith Leigh Moore
  • What is a goal-setting call?
    During my corporate career, I got stuck a few times. It was a painful experience to feel either too comfortable or too afraid to make a change. If you've read my book, Getting Unstuck: A Guide to Moving Your Career Forward you know the TRIBE methodology starts with time management. We'll break down your goal to address when you can make progress. Next, we'll identify resources like mentors, tools, and referrals to clarify your goals and action items following our 30-minute goal-setting call.
  • Where do I set up my goal-setting call?
    Contact Mel at to request a goal-setting call. There's no obligation to purchase a coaching package or work with me. As a business owner, I occasionally restrict goal-setting calls to readers or subscribers when I'm not accepting new clients. If you need assistance and can't find a time that works for you, send an email with details.
  • Do I have to download the Zoom app for my goal-setting call?
    No, you can use the dial-in number, and you'll be able to join the call whether the host joins or not. The app allows you to participate in a video chat. Are you having issues? You can call me directly at the office (612-520-7569) if Zoom isn't working.
  • What should I prepare for the call?
    Complete your intake paperwork coaching forms. You'll answer questions like if you've worked with a coach before so I know what to cover during our call. If you don't see it in your inbox, contact You'll need to complete the forms before your call.​
  • What questions will you ask me on the goal-setting call?
    Coaching is about asking thought-provoking questions to help you make the best decisions for life. During the call, you'll have a chance to experience the power of being heard and challenged to push you to consider your goals in a new way.
  • What's different about Getting Unstuck? Why does it work?
    The Getting Unstuck coaching program leverages my personal experience navigating as an executive in the Fortune 500 and working to advance women globally into managerial roles. Only one in five c-suite leaders is a woman. Only one in twenty-five is a woman of color. Getting Unstuck coaching program gives you access to the mentoring and coaching to share from my experience address the issues facing today's workforce. For more on the annual research conducted on 64,000 employees by McKinsey and Company and LeanIn click here.
  • Why does the one-on-one coaching program work?
    The one-on-one coaching program is designed to address the six main areas holding women back at work, especially women of color: ​ Less access to senior leaders. You'll receive one-on-one support from your coach based on experience with c-suite leaders in the world's largest companies. Less access to mentors and sponsors. Clients are invited and featured at networking events to connect with senior executives to expand your network and build relationships. Less support from managers. One-on-one coaching clients receive confidential support to navigate office politics and promote your self authentically (also known as "closet calls"), through unlimited email, text and same day 15 min or less phone coaching. Women face every discrimination like the maternal wall or prove it to me twice. Clients receive monthly lessons based on research to help you address the typical challenges in the workplace. Women are often the "only" at work. One-on-one clients get access to the monthly Q&A sessions, journal prompts, affirmations, and special events. Women of color are less likely to get direct feedback. Our one-on-one coaching programs include the Insights Discovery ® Leadership Profile to write your narrative at work and identify potential blind spots. We also offer feedback tools like 360 reports for your leadership teams at an additional cost.
  • I'm interested in working with you, but I'm not sure about my budget. What happens after the call?"
    To provide coaching on your budget, I recommend starting with reading Getting Unstuck: A Guide to Moving Your Career Forward and completing the questions. Depending on your goals and needs, consider how much support you need from a coach. One-on-one coaching starts at $1,973 and includes one 90 minutes live coaching session. For clients who want to work on shifting mindset or achieve goals like positioning themselves as a leader or navigating a promotion, I offer a limited number of weekly and monthly executive coaching packages that begin at $3,500 per month. During the goal-setting session, I'll explain my coaching philosophy, programs, and answer all of your questions to make sure we are a good fit. Options are based on the current openings in my practice. Following our call, you'll receive an email with an offer just for you based on your goals, needs, and budget.
  • Some of the intake questions are personal, how will this information be used?"
    You can view our privacy policy here. The information provided on the intake questionnaire helps inform the screening process and thoughtful questions to guide your journey and anticipate what will help you achieve your results.
  • My schedule changed unexpectedly, how do I reschedule my goal-setting session?"
    Cancel your appointment by visiting (the link you used to book and also in the calendar invitation) and rebook at a time that works for you. Because I reserve time on my calendar for you, if you cancel with no notice, you will be asked to place a deposit before confirming future appointments.
  • My relative/employee/mentee needs you. How do I sign them up for a goal-setting session?
    Thank you for caring about another person's development. If you'd like to sponsor their participation in career coaching or purchase a book to help them Get Unstuck, we offer gift wrapping. Email your budget, name, and address, and we'll send you the necessary forms and a link for secure payment. We accept all major credit cards, electronic transfers, and business checks. We highly recommend encouraging the individual to schedule a meeting before getting started.
  • I can't currently afford one on one coaching, what are there other options to work with you?"
    I believe in you and your career. With over a decade in corporate America, I have worked with clients in a variety of industries and backgrounds to achieve their career dreams. Imagine doubling or tripling your income? What would change in your life if you could work from home? How much is it worth to travel the world as part of your international role? For me, these experiences have been priceless. Being stuck is painful; if you'd like to discuss a payment plan, send an email with your requested arrangements before booking your goal-setting session. If you complete a goal-setting session and aren't ready to join my Getting Unstuck Academy coaching program, stay connected for future events and openings in my practice. You'll receive chapter one of my book when you sign up for my mailing list. ​ To get the steps to getting unstuck, order your copy of Getting Unstuck: A Guide to Moving Your Career Forward for $15 available in paperback or e-book on and all major online retailers. You can also experience the power of coaching listening to the Getting Unstuck with Meredith Moore Crosby podcast here.
  • I'd like to invite you to speak and sign books at my organization. How do I get in touch with you?
    Thank you for your interest! I accept a limited number of events each year. Tell me more about your event here and a member of my team will be in touch.
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